1. The document discusses a campaign by Billabong High International School in Vadodara, Gujarat to raise awareness about child sexual abuse.
2. As part of the campaign, the school screened a film called "Chuppi Todo" for students to educate them about good touch and bad touch.
3. The school is working to sensitize students and society about child sexual abuse and empower children to speak up if they experience any inappropriate behavior.
families united for education - civic change champion 100418Everyday Democracy
Families United for Education is a national model for community engagement in education, with over 400 members from 44 organizations working to improve educational equity in Albuquerque schools. They developed the first community-written school engagement policy in the US and have advocated for policies and practices that foster inclusion, such as increasing ethnic studies courses. Through persistence and training on racial equity, they aim to ensure all students have equitable opportunities for success.
This document provides a summary of the key points from a school's safeguarding annual update presentation. It outlines updated policies and guidance, the school's approach to safeguarding training for staff and students, and details their procedures for monitoring and supporting vulnerable students. It also covers the Prevent duty guidance, identifying and reporting concerns of radicalization or extremism, and managing issues around child sexual exploitation. Guidance is given around appropriate staff conduct towards students regarding communication, physical contact, and one-to-one situations.
This document discusses strategies for parents of children with disabilities who are being bullied. It defines different types of bullying behavior and provides advice on how to recognize if a child is being bullied, talk to them about it, and decide on appropriate intervention strategies. The document also discusses how parents can work with teachers and school administrators to prevent bullying and ensure laws protecting students with disabilities from harassment are followed.
Isaac Holeman's Medicine In Cuba Project.Isaac Holeman
Cuba has a socialized healthcare system that provides universal coverage to all citizens. Doctors participate in community outreach programs to promote prevention. While clinics have limited equipment and flood damage, doctors are proud of the system's humanitarian achievements in providing care. Doctors are paid little but feel they are champions, not slaves, of the socialized medical system.
Este documento promociona una excursi坦n o viaje, pero no proporciona muchos detalles sobre el destino, fecha u opciones de transporte, dejando la mayor鱈a de las decisiones a la discreci坦n del cliente potencial. Ofrece una "experiencia de viaje" guiada por un experto.
The document discusses prepositions of time and provides examples of their use. It explains that prepositions like "on", "at", "in", "for", "between", "from...to", "before", "after", "since", and "until" are used to indicate when something occurred or how long it lasted. It also includes exercises for students to practice using these prepositions of time correctly.
Hicham El Guerrouj fue un atleta marroqu鱈 nacido en 1974 que se destac坦 como corredor de medio fondo y fondo, ganando m炭ltiples medallas de oro en Campeonatos Mundiales y Juegos Ol鱈mpicos en las distancias de 1500 metros y 5000 metros, adem叩s de establecer r辿cords mundiales en 1500 metros y la milla. Comenz坦 su carrera como futbolista pero se dedic坦 al atletismo, donde tuvo un gran 辿xito internacional.
Minimising risk from Alchol and Illicit Drug Usenkw2197
This document outlines a mission presentation to a university communications department to fund a health program aimed at minimizing harm from alcohol and drugs. The program would use media like posters and ads to promote a quality life without substance use, featuring characters Zach and Zoe in scenarios where Zoe is attracted to the responsible Zach but uninterested in the intoxicated Zach. References include recent drug use trends in New Zealand and the onset of alcohol consumption.
This document discusses prepositions of time and types of prepositions such as place, time, and purpose. It provides examples of identifying prepositions of time like before, after, and during by comparing sentences using them as adverbs, conjunctions, or prepositions. The conclusion is that prepositions should be placed before nouns.
Este documento presenta el grupo formado por Sonia Ant坦n, Ainhoa S叩enz de Urturi y Eider Vadillo. Describe las actividades realizadas por el grupo como el uso de la plataforma del curso, blogs individuales, y herramientas como Google Docs y Movie Maker. Explica que los blogs contienen el trabajo realizado en clase complementado con videos, fotos y elementos personalizados. Tambi辿n resume el video realizado sobre el mercado de La Bretxa en su ciudad, explicando su historia, arquitectura y uso actual a trav辿s de im叩genes y un
The document summarizes a trip to Kuwait for a middle school sports festival where the author's team competed in football, basketball, and volleyball. They took first place in football and basketball and second in volleyball. The document includes photos from the trip showing the plane ride over, the author in a football uniform, a day of paintballing, pictures at the airport in Qatar, and a silly selfie of the author half asleep on a bed. Overall the trip was a fun and amazing experience and the author hopes to go again next year.
El documento describe una apuesta entre 4 animales - un le坦n, un chimpanc辿, una jirafa y una ardilla - sobre qui辿n puede bajar una banana m叩s r叩pido de lo alto de un gran cocotero. No hay bananas en realidad en el cocotero, y el documento intenta evaluar la personalidad del lector basado en su respuesta sobre qui辿n ganar叩 la apuesta ficticia.
Prepositions of Place are words that indicate location and are used with nouns, such as "at, in, above, behind, on." The document provides examples of prepositions of place like "in the car" and discusses how prepositions are used to describe locations in sentences. It also gives examples of questions using prepositions of place and their answers, such as "Where is he now? He is at the Ka'bah now." The document concludes that prepositions are placed before nouns.
El documento describe los or鱈genes y caracter鱈sticas principales de la arquitectura rom叩nica en Europa entre los siglos XI y XII. La arquitectura rom叩nica apareci坦 primero en las regiones m叩s desarrolladas y luego se extendi坦 al resto de Europa. Los edificios t鱈picos incluyeron iglesias, catedrales y monasterios, construidos principalmente en piedra. Elementos caracter鱈sticos fueron el arco de medio punto, la planta de cruz latina, las b坦vedas de ca単坦n y los contrafuertes.
Este documento resume la formaci坦n acad辿mica y experiencia profesional de una abogada. Incluye detalles sobre sus estudios de derecho, econom鱈a y cursos adicionales relacionados con su carrera legal. Tambi辿n describe sus posiciones previas trabajando en despachos de abogados en Espa単a y el extranjero, as鱈 como otros trabajos como azafata y recepcionista. Finalmente, proporciona informaci坦n sobre sus habilidades ling端鱈sticas e idiomas y sus aficiones personales.
Hicham El Guerrouj fue un atleta marroqu鱈 nacido en 1974 que se destac坦 como corredor de medio fondo y fondo, ganando m炭ltiples medallas de oro en Campeonatos Mundiales y Juegos Ol鱈mpicos en las distancias de 1500 metros y 5000 metros, adem叩s de establecer r辿cords mundiales en 1500 metros y la milla. Comenz坦 su carrera como futbolista pero se dedic坦 al atletismo, donde tuvo un gran 辿xito internacional.
Minimising risk from Alchol and Illicit Drug Usenkw2197
This document outlines a mission presentation to a university communications department to fund a health program aimed at minimizing harm from alcohol and drugs. The program would use media like posters and ads to promote a quality life without substance use, featuring characters Zach and Zoe in scenarios where Zoe is attracted to the responsible Zach but uninterested in the intoxicated Zach. References include recent drug use trends in New Zealand and the onset of alcohol consumption.
This document discusses prepositions of time and types of prepositions such as place, time, and purpose. It provides examples of identifying prepositions of time like before, after, and during by comparing sentences using them as adverbs, conjunctions, or prepositions. The conclusion is that prepositions should be placed before nouns.
Este documento presenta el grupo formado por Sonia Ant坦n, Ainhoa S叩enz de Urturi y Eider Vadillo. Describe las actividades realizadas por el grupo como el uso de la plataforma del curso, blogs individuales, y herramientas como Google Docs y Movie Maker. Explica que los blogs contienen el trabajo realizado en clase complementado con videos, fotos y elementos personalizados. Tambi辿n resume el video realizado sobre el mercado de La Bretxa en su ciudad, explicando su historia, arquitectura y uso actual a trav辿s de im叩genes y un
The document summarizes a trip to Kuwait for a middle school sports festival where the author's team competed in football, basketball, and volleyball. They took first place in football and basketball and second in volleyball. The document includes photos from the trip showing the plane ride over, the author in a football uniform, a day of paintballing, pictures at the airport in Qatar, and a silly selfie of the author half asleep on a bed. Overall the trip was a fun and amazing experience and the author hopes to go again next year.
El documento describe una apuesta entre 4 animales - un le坦n, un chimpanc辿, una jirafa y una ardilla - sobre qui辿n puede bajar una banana m叩s r叩pido de lo alto de un gran cocotero. No hay bananas en realidad en el cocotero, y el documento intenta evaluar la personalidad del lector basado en su respuesta sobre qui辿n ganar叩 la apuesta ficticia.
Prepositions of Place are words that indicate location and are used with nouns, such as "at, in, above, behind, on." The document provides examples of prepositions of place like "in the car" and discusses how prepositions are used to describe locations in sentences. It also gives examples of questions using prepositions of place and their answers, such as "Where is he now? He is at the Ka'bah now." The document concludes that prepositions are placed before nouns.
El documento describe los or鱈genes y caracter鱈sticas principales de la arquitectura rom叩nica en Europa entre los siglos XI y XII. La arquitectura rom叩nica apareci坦 primero en las regiones m叩s desarrolladas y luego se extendi坦 al resto de Europa. Los edificios t鱈picos incluyeron iglesias, catedrales y monasterios, construidos principalmente en piedra. Elementos caracter鱈sticos fueron el arco de medio punto, la planta de cruz latina, las b坦vedas de ca単坦n y los contrafuertes.
Este documento resume la formaci坦n acad辿mica y experiencia profesional de una abogada. Incluye detalles sobre sus estudios de derecho, econom鱈a y cursos adicionales relacionados con su carrera legal. Tambi辿n describe sus posiciones previas trabajando en despachos de abogados en Espa単a y el extranjero, as鱈 como otros trabajos como azafata y recepcionista. Finalmente, proporciona informaci坦n sobre sus habilidades ling端鱈sticas e idiomas y sus aficiones personales.
1. Shared
Kiaora, please make sure you sound is turned on !!!
Reducing violence in interpersonal relationships, families,
schools and communities
2. Issue at Hand
Bullying is a current social issue relating to the
health and well being of, in particular, our New
Zealand youth, causing emotional, physical and
social distress.
Left unaddressed bullying can escalate to more
serious issues such as violence and suicide as well
as other social problems later in life (Ministry of
Education, n.d.).
Bullying is not a problem that sorts itself out (Web health, 2006).
3. AIM:
To reduce violence amongst
primary aged children by
implementing an anti bullying
awareness programme within
primary schools around New
"95% of Kidsline callers that experienced bullying were initially bullied mostly or
only at school" (Kidsline, n.d.).
4. Shared
This principle is adhered to by incorporating the
programme with existing schemes at school through
consultation of local communities, school committees
and iwi.
Programme presented alongside national curriculum.
Children, community and local iwi invited to be actively
involved in promoting programme.
By ensuring the programme values cultural differences
of all programme participants, including beliefs, values,
self-worth and identity.
Treaty Principles
We implement an anti bullying course
taken by todays ,multi cultural role
models such as the All Blacks, Super 14
players, musicians, and TV celebrities.
We believe children associate with good
role models in the media thus we have
chosen famous people.
6. Our anti-bullying campaign is based around teaching children how to
recognise bullying situations, show them how to prevent and deal with these
situations by learning about self esteem, body language and where to go for
Our Slogan...
...portrays a positive attitude in creating a friendly atmosphere within the
school setting.
7. The first step to solving a problem is
acknowledging that it exists
This programme is not a single handed attempt to reduce
violence amongst primary aged children. It is an
awareness programme aimed to work in conjunction with,
and promote other community projects and school based
programmes that may already be set in place.
This awareness will give children the tools to help
prevent bullying situations.
9. Introduction:
Famous personality is introduced: creates rapport with children
through association:
-Ice breaker game
-Asks for raise of hands if anyone has ever been bullied
-Self disclosure: personality shares a story in which they
were bullied/saw someone being bullied and did nothing about it,
reflecting on their feelings/ why they did not help.
10. Class Discussion:
Video shown to class illustrating typical bullying situations
(Depending on the age group, scenes will vary) Example Bullying
Video discussion:
Types of bullying: Physical, emotional, verbal, psychological
How body language can make or break a bullying situation
88% of students will witness a bullying incident during their time at school (Webhealth,2006).
11. Services Available:
Personality discusses the importance or reporting bullying and services
available, for children in particular who need help or just want to discus
their problems.
In school councillors
Phone help lines -Whats Up 0800 9428787
- No Bully 0800 662855
Cool School Mediators
Other programmes the schools might want promoted
12. Class Divides into groups:
Groups consist of seven to eight people and each group has an adult leader
e.g. Teacher, personality
1. Each group given a potential bullying situation to role play; they will
use three prevention techniques, assessing how using them and not using them
can have different outcomes.
Students identified as bullies at eight years old seem to continue to use bullying behaviours throughout
their lives if they do not receive any intervention (Webhealth, 2006).
13. Group tasks cont....
2. Children discuss in their groups safe adults who they trust and
can go to if they are having problems with bullying.
Safe adults are secure bases where the child can feel protected
and not judged.
E.g. Parents, teacher, older sibling, family friend, relative, religious leader,
grandparent, school counsellor, caregiver.
An activity sheet will be handed out to be filled in and illustrations
can be drawn. In the middle circle children will portray themselves and the
outer circles their safe adults.
40% of calls made to the Whats Up help line concern relationships with others including bullying,
peers and family (Kids Help Foundation, 2003).
15. .
and papa
16. Class Regroups:
Personality leads talk regarding what they learnt in their groups.
Children can share their safe adults posters and why that person
appears on their poster
Question and Answer time
School counsellor introduced; may say where they can be found, how to book
and appointment etc.
Available services reiterated. (Whats Up, NO Bully, Cool schools mediators
All people have the right to be treated fairly and equitably with no fear of discrimination, bullying
or harassment (Amnesty International, n.d.).
17. Conclusion:
A Quiz will conclude the session.
What types of bullying are there?
What were the three main prevention techniques we looked at today in our
small groups?
Where can we go/ who can we go to if we are being bullied or see some one
else being bullied?
(Ask everyone) What is our slogan?
18. Jeff
Special Bro Town Appearance and Fact Finder...
Special Thanks to...
19. Shared
All data and information provided in this
slide show is for presentation purposes
only. Quotes and representations of
famous personalities in this slide show are
purely fictitious and from the imagination
of team 1G. They are simply examples for
20. Shared
Amnesty International. (n.d.). Human rights based education. Retrieved May 13th, 2008,
from http://www.rightsined.org.nz/ina.htm
Kids Help Foundation. What's up. (n.d.). Retrieved April 2, 2008, from
Kidsline. (n.d.). Bullying. Retrieved May 5, 2008, from
Ministry of Education. (n.d.). Youth Suicide. Retrieved May 30, 2008, from
No bully. (n.d.). Retrieved April 2, 2008, from http://www.nobully.org.nz/0800help.htm
Peace Foundation. (n.d.).Cool schools peer mediation programme. Retrieved April 6, 2008,
from http://www.peace.net.nz/parentprogramme.htm
Webhealth. (2006). Bullying. Retrieved May 15, 2008, from